Friday, August 20, 2010

Should Microsoft fall under anti-trust laws yet? When will they if not now?

Sure ok there is Linux, but they have been blocked, held back and sued at every chance by Microsoft and their cronies, right?

So when is enough, enough? What's it going to take to let someone make a real competitor OS?

Does anyone even care? Seems like everyone is happy to have to pay 200$ every few years whenever Microsoft says so.

They come out with new buggy operating systems which don't even work right for the first few years, and stop supporting the old ones before the new one is even working right, like my XP isn't still good enough?

Is vista justified?

Should Microsoft fall under anti-trust laws yet? When will they if not now?network

I see what you are saying and I'm no expert in corporate law, however just to play devils advocate one could argue that by opening the market to new OS it would make all our current programs Microsoft only. take lynx for example, until recently if you had lynx you could not just go down to the store and buy a game for your PC, I think the problem is much deeper then just Microsoft, its the entire PC industry, MAC is another example, all those mac commercials tell you all the things u can do with a MAC but they never mention gaming. my BF2 or other games simply wont work on a MAC. as you probably guessed I'm a gamer not a program er, so I don't know what it would take to make the change but it has to go alot deeper then just Microsoft. perhaps the answer you are looking for is Free Upgrades from one upgrade to the next for current Microsoft OS users , But I could be wrong! that's just my opinion on it.

Should Microsoft fall under anti-trust laws yet? When will they if not now?norton

There was an anti-trust case against Microsoft in the late 1990s. However, when Bush took office he and his people pretty much dropped that like a hot potato. The EU has taken some legal action against MS, but that won't happen in the US under the Republicans.

See for some info on the past case, or just google microsoft +antitrust.

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